s is for seeds
Another strange week because the kids were sick. We did a bit of schooling but not nearly enough. I had a friend point out to me that we're doing a lot of school just having the kids home with me and including them in the life of the house.
Theme: seeds
Practical: extracting seeds from a sunflower (planned but never happened)
pouring and scooping seeds
planting a seed (never happened)
Sensory: seed sensory bin
Educational: Youtube video of a seed sprouting
talked about the "seeds we eat" every meal
Work Boxes: identifying and sorting seeds
coloring (never happened)
Books: "The Tiny Seed"
"Seed in Need"
"How Does a Seed Grow"
Song: "The Johnny Appleseed Song"
Outing: This week was our once-a-month excursion to the big city. This month, that trip also included a visit to the pediatric dentist. Dragonfly saw braces on someone's teeth for the first time. We also had a social worker into our house this week for her monthly visit (we're foster parents).
Follow In Our Pond's board "s is for seed" on Pinterest.
Theme: seeds
Practical: extracting seeds from a sunflower (planned but never happened)
pouring and scooping seeds
planting a seed (never happened)
Sensory: seed sensory bin
Educational: Youtube video of a seed sprouting
talked about the "seeds we eat" every meal
Work Boxes: identifying and sorting seeds
coloring (never happened)
"Seed in Need"
"How Does a Seed Grow"
Song: "The Johnny Appleseed Song"
Outing: This week was our once-a-month excursion to the big city. This month, that trip also included a visit to the pediatric dentist. Dragonfly saw braces on someone's teeth for the first time. We also had a social worker into our house this week for her monthly visit (we're foster parents).
Follow In Our Pond's board "s is for seed" on Pinterest.
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