Behold the Lamb- Day 6

Traditionally, today has been a day of mourning, silence, and waiting.  We spent the day preparing for tomorrow.  I went shopping alone to buy the kids' outfits for church (nothing like waiting until the last moment!).  When I returned, the kids and I made Resurrection Rolls for brunch at church.  Resurrection rolls are really neat (although a bit confusing for "o-so-literal" toddlers).  They're made from marshmallows, which have been dipped in butter and rolled in cinnamon, then "shrouded" in bread dough.  After baking it in the oven, the roll becomes hollow since the marshmallow melted, leaving a sweet, gooey, cinnamon-y center.  So amazingly good!  We had to try them out for dessert before bringing them the church for everyone to eat.

We didn't have a Jesus Storybook Bible reading tonight.  Instead, my husband read from Isaiah 56 in the Bible.  We talked more about how Jesus died for everyone's sins.

And, now, we wait for morning....

Update- Recipe for Resurrection Rolls
Recipe for Resurrection Rolls- a surprise Easter treat  #recipe #food #easter #resurrection #eastersunday #treat #marshmallow
*I am not the origin for Resurrection Rolls, but I'm not sure who is*


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