Make Your Cupboard Doors Work for You

We just bought our first house, which means lots of new organizing projects.  The kitchen in this house is bigger than my last kitchen, but we lost our "apple room" for homeschool stuff.  There are two tall cupboard "pantries" in the new kitchen, so I'm going to try using one for food and one for school supplies.  I want to be smart about my cupboard space, and one often ignored part of the kitchen is the backs of the cupboard doors.

I really like this idea from Jenna Burger Design of tacking decorative metal sheets on the doors to create a magnetic surface.  It's perfect for the grocery list.  She also uses corkboard on one door to create a different type of message center.  I also like her hanging utensils.  The blog inspires me to think about what other types of surfaces I could add to the cupboards.  Maybe chalkboard vinyl?  Or whiteboard contact paper?  Or decorative contact paper?  I'm sure there are many more ideas that would be worth exploring.
source is the Jenna Burger Design blog
Here is even clearer instructions about how to do the magnetic cupboard doors- from On the V Side.

I hate when the flavor packets and other little things won't stay put in the cupboard.  You open the door and the gravy packet falls out.  You move something and the koolade envelope drops into the cake batter.  That's why I love this idea from Make Bake Celebrate.  She had the idea of adding soap caddies to the cupboard door to hold all her packets.  Absolutely genius.  Even more awesome if you can buy them at back-to-college time and save some money.
source is the Make Bake Celebrate blog

I need to make a new "Command Center" in our new house.  I'm really liking this one from Organizing Home Life.  Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, I love the idea of having everything at my fingertips as I direct the house.
source is the Organizing Home Life blog

It seems to be pretty common to see organizers for aluminum foil, plastic wrap, etc, but this is the only one I've found that wouldn't require me to buy anything extra.  This organizer from Samantha Kamilos is made from a cereal box.  She wraps hers in box in contact paper, but it could be done with duct tape or even painted.
source is Samantha Kamilos blog

Another great thing to put in your kitchen is posters and cards with information that you might need to access in a moment.  Back in the pre-cell-phone days, I used to hang a sheet with our most commonly used phone numbers.  It's also a great place for a big 9-1-1 sign or the poison control number.  When I was getting ready for our move, I found these great printables:

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  1. I like all of these ideas. Using the cereal box for the aluminum foil is genius!

  2. Thank you! I'm working on an updated post as soon as I get my new house put together. Stop by again soon!

  3. Great ideas! Definitely can incorporate a few of these into our house to reduce clutter, which always seems to multiply!


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