Multiplication Battleship for Math Practice

Multiplication Battleship for Math Practice from In Our Pond.  Multiplication facts from 0 to 144 and 5 battleships per player.  Print and play with ease.  Great for a classroom.

Did you know that I take special request?  This free printable was created to fill a need for a follow homeschool mom.  Her kids are working on their times factor and could use some extra practice in a fun way.  She asked me to make her a multiplication battleship game.  After a bit of brainstorming, I had a printable all ready for her.

The PDF comes with a printable game board for beginners, with all numbers in order (shown below) and one for more advanced students with the numbers all jumbled.  The printable also includes two half-sheet recording sheets for keeping track of your opponent's ships.  There are also twenty battleships for sinking (extras to make it easier on mom/teacher).

I recommend laminating the whole set and using dry erase markers to keep track of the hits and misses.  Boats can be secured to the game board with tape, teacher tack, or velcro.

Multiplication Battleship for Math Practice from In Our Pond.  Multiplication facts from 0 to 144 and 5 battleships per player.  Print and play with ease.  Great for a classroom.

Reminder- this printable is only available for newsletter subscribers!
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I think this printable game would be great in the classroom or home, and is much more fun that just running flash cards over and over.  Print as many copies as you need and share this link with your community, but please direct people back to the blog to download the PDF from this post.

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  1. There is no opponent sheet for the advanced game. There is only an opponent sheet for the numerical order one.

  2. Would it be possible to just print the game board more than one time? It's been a while since I made the printable, but I believe that was my intention when I made the game.


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