Oreo Grid Game
We're getting ready for National Oreo Day on March 6th with some great activities, foods, and crafts coming soon to the blog! I also wanted to add an Oreo grid game to my collection of Battleship-inspired printable games. The kids loved this one because it uses real mini Oreos that you can eat when you're done playing!
You can print 4 copies of the game board and play the grid like a battleship game, where players take turns guessing where the other person has hidden their Oreos. When a cookie is found, the person player who found it gets to eat it (motivation- wink). The game continues until all the cookies are found. I recommend 5-10 per round.
For my younger kids who are still learning how coordinates works, like mine, can play the game in a Bingo-type of way. I had my kids sit in a line in front of me with their game boards. Then, I would hand them a cookie and give them a coordinate. We only moved on when everyone had their cookie in the right place. It wasn't a competition, but 2/3 understood how to find the right box after eight rounds or so. Of course, their favorite part of game was getting to eat them at the end.
> > > Click Here to Download the Game < < <
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Grab Some Yummy Oreos for Game Day
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