Montessori-Inspired Frog Life Cycle 3-Part Cards
All winter long, Dragonfly (age 7) has been daydreaming of catching frogs in our yard. It's her very favorite thing in the world! She's even convinced that she's seen them already, even though we're still covered in snow.
Over the years, I've written quite a bit about frogs and we've studied them a few times in our homeschool, but I haven't created many printables for them. As I was working on the ladybug life cycle cards last week, I looked over my other metamorphosis printables (scroll down to see all of them) and realized that I hadn't made a frog life cycle set.
I set out to remedy that problem immediately! Fortunately, it was easy to find real pictures for these Montessori-inspired cards. They match the Safari Ltd frog life cycle toys and work great with sensory bins. The cards can be used to work on reading and spelling, especially when combined with a moveable alphabet.
> > > Click Here to Download the Printable < < <
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