Fabulous Ideas for a Family Home Theater

Today is National Drive-in Movie Day.  In honor of that old-timey American pastime, I've been running a series all this week about family movie nights.  Today is the last post, and the topic is "home theaters."  I have a dream to own a house with a neat home theater room some day.  What about you?  Do you want one?  Do you already have one?  Comment at the end of the post and tell me about it!

Popcorn Machines

I love popcorn!  It's such a simple snack that can be dressed up with all sorts of flavorings and toppings or enjoyed plain.  Since movie theaters and popcorn inseparably go together, I thought I'd start my list of home theater essentials with popcorn!

Cotton Candy Machines

Known in some places as "fairy floss" and as "cotton candy" in others, this fluffy, spun sugar is a staple of fairs, carnivals, and midways.  I know it's not common in theaters (at least not fresh) but if we're planning a dream home theater, then I want a cotton candy machine too.

Boxes of Candy

I don't know what it is about the big cardboard boxes that makes movie theater candy so much better than grocery store candy, but it just is!  Maybe it's because the cardboard boxes cost so much more, therefore, we never bought them growing up.  In my fantasy home theater, the candy will be free.

Fun Signage

And now for the fun part- the decorations!  I had so much fun putting together this collage.  Can you guess which one is my favorite?  Comment below!


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