Viva Chile!

It's World Cup time!  Most of the time, we're just a normal, American family.  But, once every four years, we become Chilean.  My husband was born in Chile and grew up there for a large part of his life.  World Cup is when we get to celebrate that heritage.

Tonight, I made empanadas for dinner.  They took such a long time that it's no surprise why I don't make them more often.  They were really good though.  I might have to make them one more time before World Cup is over.

My recipe (not claiming any authenticity)
- 1 lbs cooked ground beef
- 2 hard boiled eggs
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 1/4 cup sliced olives
- 2 cups chopped spinach
- spices (I use garlic, onion, Italian seasonings, cumin, red pepper, and cilantro)
- 2 raw eggs
- pie crust (I think I use about 4 cups to make my batch)

Mix all the ingredients but the pie crust in a large bowl.  Pinch off balls of pie crust dough and roll them out into an oval shape.  Lay dough circle on cookie sheet.  Scoop the meat mixture and put it on the dough.  Fold the dough in half and pinch the edges together.  Continue 10-20 more times until you run out of dough or filling.  Brush the completed pies with melted butter, if desired, and bake for 20 min at 400 degrees.  Serve hot, cold, or reheated.  Great for World Cup parties or camping.



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