a is for apple (week 1)

So, here's what we did this week-
Theme: apples
Practical: chopped apples for apple pie and applesauce
planted an apple seed in a bag (to watch the "tiny tree" be "born")
Sensory: cinnamon play dough, which they chopped like apples and rolled like pie dough
simple apple sensory bin
apple themed bath
Educational: picture cards about how an apple seed becomes an apple pie and the seasons of a tree
Youtube movie about how apple cider is made and tasting some
explored the parts of an apple and found the "star" in the core
Work Boxes: sorted wormy apples from non-wormy ones (printable)
counted apples on trees (printable)
seed to pie sequence cards
pompom "apple" transfer with tongs
apple size sequence (printable)
wormy apples counting (printable)
"a is for apple" coloring page
Books: "The Apple Pie Tree"
"Applesauce Season"
"10 Apples on Top"
Song: "The Johnny Appleseed Prayer." (..."the sun, and the rain, and the apple seed. The Lord's been good to me!")
Outing: we have an apple tree in our yard so we checked its apples and observed the deer and squirrel as they got ready for winter (by eating our apples). We also had a well-child check-up for one of the kids this week.
Here's a peak at what our homeschooling/eating room wall looked like this week:
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