Dragonfly's Wardrobe (Clothes=Laundry Series)

Dragonfly is an almost 4 year old girl.  Her main clothes tastes tend to run in skirts and dresses, with pink and more pink being the common theme.  Because of our unpredictable weather, she needs long sleeves and short sleeves, long pants and shorts.  She loves to change outfits throughout the day, and is also potty training.

When I began sorting through her clothes, she had so many that I didn't have room to put them all way.  I ended with 2 garbage bags of clothes to donate.  Here's a picture of the process:

The "keeper" clothes are in the bins and the pile is stuff to donate.  I kept the skirts and dresses that she likes to wear and the long sleeve shirts, pants, short sleeve shirts, and shorts that match them.  I intend to continue to weed out her clothes in the next few months.  I'm moving toward "basic" clothes, which will probably be pink pants and shorts (or possibly black) and plain colored tops.  Of course, if her clothing "likes" change, then I'll change her wardrobe to match it.
I included this picture to show how my sorting is never done.  These are the clean clothes that I hadn't put away yet when I did the other sorting project.  I thinned these clothes by half.

This is how we store Dragonfly's clothes- in the "linen closet."  One large bucket has her shirts and dresses and the other has the pants, shorts, and skirts.  The smaller tubs (which should really be pink) are her tights and underwear.  The closet door has a lock on it to prevent "exploration" by her brothers.
My other clothes problem is that Dragonfly has recently started dance class.  Of course, every new hobby comes with a pile of stuff.  It's been just hanging around the house without a home until recently.
The three drawer cart was the solution!  I bought it almost a year ago in hopes that I could store the kids' footie jammies in it.  The drawers were too small for that purpose so there it sat.  I remembered the drawers today and decided that they would be perfect to hold the dancing clothes.  The drawer with the hand-painted "L" (from Walmart) is hers.  The drawer underneath is for Skimmer's underwear, since he's been flirting with potty training lately (I still need to make his letter).

The colored bins (Dollar Tree) are used to store the kids' pjs now.  Pink for Dragonfly, blue for Skimmer, and green for Tadpole.  It's been nice to store the pjs in the bathroom closet, because that's where the diaper changes happen for bedtime.

So, that's the story of the first step in taming the clothes dragon.


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