Fairy Garden (Small World Play)

Dragonfly has recently become very interested in fairies.  She loves to watch Disney's Fairies movies and gets very excited when Tinkerbell appears during the credits of any Disney movie.  She has decided she wants a fairy party for her birthday and is sad that I can't make her "real wings that fly" (if only, my sweetheart).  I knew that she would enjoy the special, just-for-girls sensory experience of building a fairy garden.  It took me almost two weeks to gather all the materials, but eventually, I was ready to build it.

We started with a plastic planter from Home Depot, dirt from our "worm box," and a container of "hens and chicks."  The fairies (Safari Toob) and bridge came from Joann Fabric, and the stones came from the dollar store.  Dragonfly loved scooping the dirt and shaping the "land."  The moss was collected from different places around our yard.  As you can see, the little fairy feels quite at home.


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