Summer Themes- Universe

Montessori Tray Work- spooning
Next week is our Day Camp at church.  The theme is Space, so I thought we should spend this week studying the universe at bit.

I got a new camera recently, so I tried to focus on taking more pictures.

Theme: Universe

Sensory: space play dough
                space toob sensory bin

Activities: eat like an astronaut
                  planting flags
                  earth-sun model with cake pan
                  spooning marbles out of rice
                  spooning stars
                  counting stars
                  space dust writing
                  moon roll and cover
                  months of the year puzzle

Books: "On the Moon"
            "Roaring Rockets"
            "At the Same Moment, All Around the World"
            "Why is the Sun so Bright?"
            "Who Works in Space?"

Song: "The Earth Goes Around the Sun"

A View of Our Work:
This activity turned out to be very difficult for my kids' ages (3 and 2).  They had trouble pealing the stickers off and more trouble getting them onto the paper.  I'm not sure they even enjoyed the process.  It's one that I can see them wanting to do as they get a bit older.  I saw a neat idea on Pinterest where the kids used the stars to outline constellations.  Look for this visit to come back again.

Ok, so this isn't the kids' school work- it's mine.  I made the circle skirt for my "Science Girl."  She loves it.  The fabric came from Hobby Lobby.


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