Clothes=Laundry Series (AKA Buried in Fabric)

Today is the day after Easter Sunday.  Spring is here, right?  March came in like a lion and out like a lamb but April seems to think that it needs to be "always winter and never Christmas" around here.  It's been snowing, big, fluffy, Christmas snow for the last four hours (although not accumulating much) and my thought have turned to spring cleaning.  It's no longer nice enough for us to be outside so we might as well start cleaning the inside.

One of my biggest struggles is laundry, clothes, wardrobes, storage, outfits, etc, for my family, but especially my three toddlers.

Firstly, because they're toddlers.  They're messy.  They're often naked.  And, they're potty trained, potty training, or having diaper accidents.  It's hard to know how many clothes they actually need, because I never know how many outfits we're going to need in a day.

Secondly, because they're toddlers.  They're always growing!  I have three kids who are in between sizes right now.  One in 4T/5T.  One in 2T/3T.  And one in 12/18 months.  They have a lot of duplicates right now, because I'm never sure what size they are on any given day.

Thirdly, because of where we live.  Spring weather in March and then snow in April?  Even into the summer, the kids need "winter" clothes, like coats, long pants, and sweatshirts, because the mountain nights are cold.  How many cold weather clothes they need for spring/summer is still a mystery.

Fourthly, because I have too much laundry.  This probably seems like the silliest one of all, but it's real.  I can't get everyone's clothes clean at the same time so I can "analyze" what we own.  Even when I think I'm caught up, I find another stash somewhere.  Like when I looked in the kids' climbing castle and discovered 10 pairs of footie pjs.  No wonder there were none in their storage buckets!

Over these next few days (weeks?), I'm going to focus my energies on the laundry monster.  Hopefully, I'll figure out a way to beat it back a bit.

Posts in this Series:
Dragonfly's Wardrobe


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