d is for duck (year 2, week 9)

It's pond week!

Day 1
We watched a few Youtube videos about ducks!
- 10 Little Rubber Ducks (audiobook)
- 5 Little Ducks song
- Ducklings on Slides
- Ducklings First Swim
- Duckling to Duck
- Hatching from Eggs

Day 2
Following this project idea from Pinterest, we made duck calls!  I'm not sure if they sounded very much like ducks, but they were entertaining.

Day 3
Bible study day- no school.

Day 4
I didn't do any formal school today but Dragonfly surprised me by washing the dishes before I started dinner.  It was a very sweet thing for her to do, a practical still to practice, and a fun thing for her to do.
Day 5
We made a turkey roast today, which provided many opportunities for learning.  The kids know what live turkeys look like because wild ones hang out in our yard, so I spent some time explaining the different parts of the dead turkey.  We talked about how it couldn't gobble because it was dead and what dad means.  The kids asked questions about who killed the animal and why.  We talked about blood and how all living things have it and compared living with non-living.  They wanted to know why it was ok to touch/eat the cooked bird vs the uncooked bird.  They marveled at what had changed about the animal from life to death and from raw to cooked.  They wanted to know what it tasted like.  We compared the turkey to what we learned this week about ducks and talked about what might be similar or different.  We talked about whether the turkey came from an egg or from a "tummy mommy."  They learned so much and none of it involved a textbook or even a book.

pond games
turtle counting
duck folder game
duck number line
pond preschool pack

sink/float experiment
pond spelling words
pond sensory bin
magnetic duck pond
duck call

Lucky Duckings
Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?
Bear Feels Scared
Pond Circle
Ducklings and Polliwogs
Moonshadow's Journey
Dimity Duck


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