What To Do When the Family is Sick

I've been working on my "home management binder" recently and wanted to share a printable I made to go in it.  It's called "When the Family is Sick" and lists several tips that I've picked up from mom's of large families on the internet.  I'm going to stick it in the binder so I can refer to it as needed.  I don't know about you, but my first reaction to several sick family member is panic.  I'm hoping that this list will help me stay calm and check off items.

In our kitchen cupboard, I have a plastic bin labeled "sick box," which contains all the things I'd want to have on hand in case of sickness.  Our box includes flu meds, rehydration packets, crackers, lollipops, and jello.  I periodically go through the box and clean out expired things. So far, we haven't needed to use it, but I love knowing that it's sitting ready in case we do require it.

You can download the printable here.


  1. Thanks for the tips and sharing at Funtastic Friday

  2. These are super great tips. This time of year is the worst when you have sick kids. Thanks for linking up at Family Joy Blog Link Party. Hope you can join us next week.

  3. That's a great idea to have a go-to box during flu season. My whole family just got through the flu. Everyone got it except for me. I was not prepared though and ended up having to go to Target twice for supplies. Next time I will have a stocked up box ready! :)

  4. Thanks for your comments. So glad my blog post encouraged you. I'm planning on adding a "sick box" label to my list of printables soon.

  5. These are great tips. I especially like the BRAT diet. It is the only things my kids will eat when they are sick.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Sherry. I'm glad the tips helped you. Have a good week.


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