Happy Birthday, Blog!

I've now been blogging on this site for two years!  Here are a few blogging stats and then I'll tell you how the creatures are doing here at the pond.

Number of Blog Posts: 320 published (349 written)

Number of Blog Visitors a Month: 2,300

Most Popular Blog Post Last Month: Backyard Birds 3-part cards

Number of Visitors Total: 22,300

Most Popular Blog Post of All Time: Safari Toob ideas

Number of Free Printables: 125

is working at a quality inspector for an airplane manufacturing company, which he loves.  During his time at home, he loves to play with the kids, ride his motorcycle, dirt bike, skateboard, hike, build things, do computer art, paint, and play video games.

is the author of the blog, and a stay-at-home mom all the other times.  As you can probably see from the blog, I also have way too many hobbies.

is almost five years old and will be starting "formal" kindergarten at home this fall.  She calls herself a "Science Girl" and loves asking questions, making connections, and learning about animals and dinosaurs.  She also loves to climb, ride her bike, and play trucks with her brothers.  My goal for her next year is to support (and not squash) her love of learning as we move toward book-based homeschooling.

is almost four years old, and is all boy!  He love tractors, cars, planes, trucks, trains, dirt, movement, and bugs.  He also has a very tender heart and is quick to emphasize with other's feelings.  My goal for him for next year is to include him in our homeschooling more.

is two-and-a-half, and is mommy's boy.  He imitates myself or his daddy, and tries to be much more grown up than his age.  He also follows the "big kids" around and joins in their games.  He used to hate being outside, but has gotten much braver lately- that's been fun to see.  I'd like to see him spending more time with his sibling, and yet growing into his own personality.


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