10 Kids' Youtube Videos for the Solar Eclipse

10 Kids' Youtube Videos for the Solar Eclipse
It's finally here!  The 2017 Total Solar Eclipse is nigh!

In an effort to explain this astronomical phenomenon to my kids, I've found 10 Youtube videos that explain different aspects of the event.

Also, be sure to check out my post from earlier this month about planning an eclipse party.  It's not too late to stock up on moon pies and astronaut ice cream!

Difference Between Solar and Lunar Eclipse

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10 Kids' Youtube Videos for the Solar Eclipse

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10 Kids' Youtube Videos for the Solar Eclipse


  1. Good idea to post videos as kids would have tons of questions about it

  2. Some great resources here. My kids are grown but I wish I had these when I was a kid. The last eclipse was in elementary school for me.

  3. I shoulda watched one of these before watching all the coverage of the eclipse! :)

  4. Those are some great videos to help explain what happened today!


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