Johnny Appleseed (year 4, week 3)

J is for Johnny Appleseed homeschool unit from In Our Pond.  apple week.. free printables.  kindergarten.  fall.  autumn
Tuesday was Johnny Appleseed's birthday, so I introduced the kids to his legends this week.  We watched a few videos about him on Youtube and practiced "The Lord's been Good to Me" song.

J is for Johnny Appleseed homeschool unit from In Our Pond.  apple week.. free printables.  kindergarten.  fall.  autumn

We made apple pops, which are like caramel apples but in slices.  It was a dismal failure, but they tasted ok.  It think the apple needed to dry out a bit before coating them in caramel.  The kids enjoyed the project, though- they each had a job.  It was our first time doing a food activity that went well.  I'm looking forward to doing more with them.

For more ideas on apple activities, check out these other blog posts:

- apple microscope pictures
- apple themed Montessori movable alphabet
- apple pie play dough
- salt tray ideas
- homeschool year 3
homeschool year 2
homeschool year 1
apple theme pictures/posters
apple scented writing tray
wormy apple busy bag
the Big Apple 3-part cards

J is for Johnny Appleseed homeschool unit from In Our Pond.  apple week.. free printables.  kindergarten.  fall.  autumn


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