Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Creation to the Cross- Day 4)

Jesus Enters Jerusalem- Creation to the Cross Holy Week Series for Kids- from In Our Pond

Focus: Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Activity: ___
Verse: Matthew 21:9

We're still recovering from sickness, but I got to the store today, so tomorrow should be better.  In our Holy Week study, we jumped over one thousand years from the Exodus to the Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21).  Today, my husband drew the scene on the chalkboard while I told the story.  Then, we listened to "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" on my phone.  It wasn't a very interactive lesson, but it was good enough for our circumstances.

I'm feeling a bit better today, so I put together this quick round-up of Palm Sunday activities.  I hope you find something you can use.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem- Creation to the Cross Holy Week Series for Kids- from In Our Pond

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Jesus Enters Jerusalem- Creation to the Cross Holy Week Series for Kids- from In Our Pond

Creation to the Cross- A Holy Week Study for Kids from In Our Pond


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