Montessori-Inspired Printables for Studying Australia

Montessori-Inspired Printables for Studying Australia //  In Our Pond
By Abraxis112 - Own work, Public Domain,

I hate writing introductions to these blog posts.  I made some Montessori-inspired printables, then I found some more from other mom bloggers.  That's it.  Below are some really useful printables for a study of Australia.  Enjoy.

Animals Toob Matching Cards // In Our Pond
I recently reworked this old, very popular printable, so check it out!  The printable matches the Safari Ltd Australia toob.

50 Australian Animals // Every Star is Different
I love the printables by Every Star is Different and this collection of 50 animals is great.  She has other picture collection as well.  They're a great addition to Montessori continent boxes.

Sea Turtle Life Cycle // Teachers Pay Teachers
This free printable matches the Safari Sea Turtle Life Cycle Set.  The figurines make a great addition to a sensory bin or sand and water table.

Australia in a Nutshell // Pinay Homeschooler
These printables are very nice; although they are the only one in my set that costs money.  The pack has all the pieces you need to study Australia in a Montessori way, though, which is helpful if you don't want to piecemeal it.

Australia-Themed Movable Alphabet // In Our Pond
Last year, I was on a movable alphabet binge and put together a few themed sets.  This one would go well with the animal cards from above, since the kids could use the letters to spell out the words.

States in Australia // Simple Living, Creative Learning
These 3-part cards of Australian geography would be good for an in-depth study of Australia (or for native homeschoolers).  I like the bright colors and corresponding map.

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Montessori-Inspired Printables for Studying Australia // In Our Pond

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