Outrageously Amazing Toys for the Backyard

A few months ago, I did a post on making your backyard a paradise for kids.  In that article, I listed mostly homemade outdoor toys.  Today, I wanted to focus on manufactured toys.  My kids would love to own any of these amazing products.

Can you guess which one was Dragonfly's (age 7) favorite?  Six-year-old Skimmer's pick?  Or Tadpole's wishes- in his four-years of experience?  Which one would your kid chose?  Comment below!

These are the best, most envy-worthy toys for the under-10 crowd.  Put any one of these toys in your backyard and impress your friends with how much you love your child.  A gift guide from In Our Pond.
MOUNTAIN CLIMBER- Work on hand-eye coordination and strengthen muscles

AIRPLANE TEETER TOTTER- The best part is the propeller

RIDE-IN JEEP- Vehicle for your 6-year-old

WATER SLIDE BOUNCER- My kids' dream summer water experience

CEDAR PLAYGROUND- This is the ultimate swingset

POD SWING- Great for sensory seeking kids

CABIN PLAYHOUSE- Adorable for pioneer play

CLIMBING DOME- Monkey around with this structure

TRAMPOLINE- My sensory-seeker would jump all day

CATERPILLAR TUNNEL- Crawl through the tunnel and peek through the windows 

BOUNCE HOUSE- Be the party all the time!

GIANT CHESS- Get your whole body involved in this classic game

TODDLER ROLLER COASTER-  What toddler doesn't want to ride their bike down the slide?


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