When Life Give You Lemons... Fun Lemonade Ideas for Kids

Next Monday (August 20) is National Lemonade Day!  It's a perfect day to celebrate the end of summer and to raise a sweet and sour glass to many summers to come.  For homeschoolers and teachers, I've included many books, activities, and other things to help you turn the day into a learning adventure.  This post was so much fun to make, and I hope you enjoy it!


Book!  Books!  Books about lemonade!  Most of these are early reader ones for elementary kids.  Some of them even include math concepts!

Sensory Play

Lemons are so cheery that they draw you in for playtime, plus they smell amazing!  As well as drinking lemonade, your kids might enjoy pouring and dumping lemon-scented rice, squishy yellow play dough, or making a lemon explode.


Drinking lemonade isn't the only thing you can do on Lemonade Day.  You can also eat amazing lemon-y foods!  Don't eat the chapstick, though.

Poke-a-Dot Blueberry Lemonade Popsicles // Mama, Papa, Bubba

Pink Lemonade Rice Crispy Treats // Thrifty Jinxy

Earth Day Lemonade // Paper and Glue

Lemon Sugar Scrub // The Thrifty Couple

Maple Syrup Lemonade // Mama, Papa, Bubba

Sunny Lip Balm // Sugar Spice and Glitter

Honeydew Lemon Slush // Amanda's Cookin

Strawberry Lemonade Concentrate // Ruffles and Rainboots

Have a Lemonade Party with your friends to toast the end of summer!

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  1. YES YES YES! I love how you covered all the bases! I'm going to have to save this for later and share with my teacher friends!


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