Whale 3-Part Cards for Safari Ltd Toob

A few weeks ago, my family went on a vacation to the Oregon Coast, where we were hoping to see some marine mammals.  We ended up not seeing any whales, but saw a few sea lions.  The adventure to the ocean has gotten the entire family intersted in whales.  I'm going to be doing a few posts this week with ideas for learning about whales and using whales for learning about other topics.

As readers of this blog have probably figured out by now, we love the Safari Ltd toobs of little animals sorted by type, continent, or habitat.  They're great for sensory bins, messy play, outdoors, bath time, and anything you can dream up.  They even fit in an Easter egg!  The little toys are even good for learning and homeschooling.  I have Montessori-inspired 3-part cards for nearly every toob that Safari Ltd makes (not a sponsor).  You can find all my printable matching cards by clicking the colored text.  I have also listed all the Safari ocean-themed toobs below for your convenience with the links to my matching cards as well.

For my first whale week post, I thought I'd start with matching cards for the Safari Ltd Whale toob.  This is a fairly new toob on the market, filled with marine mammals like humpbacks, blowheads, and belugas.  There are 10 whales in the toob, so there are ten matching cards in the printable.

Print two copies of the cards to make a Montessori-style 3-part card set.  The first card stays whole with the picture and the label, but the second card gets cut to separate the picture from the label, making two pieces.  The child can then match the label and figurine to the picture, using the whole card as a way to check their work.  The cards can also be used as inspiration for spelling practice, particularly with the moveable alphabet.

Reminder- this printable is only available for newsletter subscribers!
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