Hope the Elf's Adventures- Part 2
Every day, my husband refuses to look at the elf set up I've done because he enjoys being surprised every morning. It makes me think that I should do more silly or surprising things throughout the year, especially since I'm usually up later than him. This is the second installment of our elf adventures for the year. The first set of pictures can be found by clicking on the picture below.
Joy came back from wherever she was spending time, and she brought us back some snow! The kids have been going crazy waiting for snow instead of mud and rain. Unfortunately, by the time they woke up, the snow had melted. The blue food coloring was added to help the water show up in the picture- I think it made it look strange. Oh, well.
Hope spent the night baking. It looks like she first made a peppermint cake (tutorial in this post), and then got started on something else from Santa's Cookbook. The kitchen mess was made from corn starch and water, which made it nice and sticky.
The red table was made from skinny wood sticks that were painted. The garland is a pine stem that was hot glued in place. The center ornament is a Disney Mickey button.
Mom got a night out, so Dad was in charge of family movie night. Fortunately, Hope helped him by bringing him some adorable mini latte cups for hot chocolate. The printable label for the cups and Hope's doll-sized cup can be found on the Doll Coffee Shop post. Of course, the movie choice was "The Polar Express."
Hope took the remote and held onto it. She left the kids a note that said, "I'm keeping the remote until the house is clean." Simple but effective. You can find doll-sized Christmas movie printables on my Elf Movie Night post.
The elves decided to take the day off by hanging out in the tree all day. They also hung a bunch of underwear on the tree branches, which the kids thought was very funny.
Hope made slime! The little bottle has real glitter glue in it. She's a bit of a messy elf! For more Christmas slime ideas, check out my "How to Keep Kids Busy in the Winter" post.
The Gingerbread Pirate story is so much fun! Hope brought us the book and then dressed herself to match. Her gingerbread onesie pattern can be found at my "Easy Doll Onesie" post. I added a food toothpick and a scrap of green tights for a piratical look. The eye patch is a piece of elastic and a circle of scrapbook paper. The kids loved the book and really loved her look.
For more homeschool ideas and activities for kids, visit the "Homeschooling with Gingerbread" post.
Nothing in the entire month of elf stuff created as much trouble as this chocolate egg magic trick. I told the kid that I had read on the internet that you could take plain eggs, sprinkle some baking sugar on top of it, and then something amazing would happen overnight. Of course, they wanted to try it! After they were asleep, I switched out the real eggs for chocolate ones.
The reason why I say this trick was trouble is because some of my kids wanted to try all sorts of different things with the ingredients. They broke eggs all over the house looking for the chocolate or magic inside. They spoke excitedly about what might happen if they dumped that sugar sprinkles on the floor. One child thought that an airplane would appear. I think they've forgotten about the magic now so perhaps we're safe from these types of messes for awhile.
The elves TPed our tree! The kids thought this looked beautiful with the lights shining behind it. I had never TPed anything before and found it very pleasant.
My kids always beg me to do scavenger hunts or similar types of things for our elves. On this day, Hope hid one candy cane for each child. It was such an easy elf day, but made my kids very excited.
More Elf Adventures
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